The designers of the Estonian Fashion Festival 2024 have been announced

Estonian Fashion Festival is centred around three unique fashion shows – Antonius Fashion Show, OmaMood and Mood-Performance-Dance, the longest-running fashion show in Tartu organised by Pallas University of Applied Sciences. Mood-Performance-Dance is a one-of-a-kind fashion show in Estonia that combines fashion, performance and dance in a unique way. The show gives budding fashion designers the opportunity to showcase their exceptional designs on a platform that is as unusual as themselves. The designers’ works are presented to the audience in a truly eye-catching and playful performance.

A record number of designers applied for the Estonian Fashion Festival, which will take place from 6 to 9 June. Out of 49 fashion designers, the jury selected 28 designers. The Antonius fashion show will present the ready-to-wear collections of 12 designers, 10 fashion designers who promote cultural heritage were selected for the OmaMood show, and 6 young designers were selected for the Mood-Performance-Dance artistic performance, which will also showcase the graduate collections of the Pallas University of Applied Sciences.

Piret Vapajeva, a long-term partner of the festival, who this year organizes the Showroom, a main program event for industry professionals, pointed out that compared to the early years, young designers have become bolder, experimenting with different materials and playing with cuts. “The recycling aspect and various sustainability trends have emerged strongly. Many young designers know instantly the important first steps to stand out in the diverse fashion landscape,” Piret Vapajeva highlighted the young designers’ ability not only to make artistic but also practical choices.

According to the festival’s CEO, Key Külaots, the main mission of the festival is to promote Estonian fashion design. “We provide various support to selected designers and contribute to the their development. All designers selected by the jury are automatically part of a training program that helps them become more sustainable and contributes to increasing their competitiveness. The awards also serve the role of popularizing Estonian fashion design,” explained Key Külaots, why participating in the festival has led to growing interest. “I am glad to say that over the past six years, the festival has been a springboard for many people I have worked with,” Piret Vapajeva emphasized the importance of the festival as a launching pad for the careers of young designers.

The main prize of this year’s festival for the most environmentally friendly designer is a ticket to Copenhagen Fashion Week, a flagship sustainable fashion event taking place in the city that has been called the fifth world’s fifth fashion capital alongside Paris, Milan, London and New York.

The 28 designers presenting at this year’s festival were selected by a jury of fashion experts. The Mood-Perfomance-Dance jury members included Aet Ollisaar, Madis Liplap, Jaanus Tepomees, Tanel Veenre, Liisa Kanemägi and Kairi Lentsius. The OmaMood jury members included Ave Matsin, Triin Amur, Katre Arula, Diana Tuulik, Kristi Jõeste, Key Külaots and Karina Kirs. Juta Kuhlberg, Piret Vapajeva, Hedviga Vei, Triinu Pungits, Külli Hansen and Key Külaots made the selection for the Antonius Fashion Show.

Designers participating in the Estonian Fashion Festival 2024

Antonius Fashion Show:
Cärol Ott, carolxott
Margo Laanvee, OOMYO
Tuuli Peil, New Life Studio
Kerli Koovisk, KENA
Lisette Laanoja, DESIGN BY SETE
Irja Lembra, ME knit
Eva Lotta Tarn, New Life Studio
Anu Sirkas
Siret Ott
Susanna Peters, Franz Raver
Alisa Vasina

OmaMood Fashion Show:
Inger Pürjema
Ene Vainola, UNIUSE
Liisi Tammar
Angela Mettus
Heidi Toome
Piret Tärno
Vilve Unt and Ulvi Kangru, PROMENADE
Janika Solmann, NaturalSolmann
Gea Rahel Promet, Moonsund
Margit Randmäe and Kristi Everst

Julia Burak
India Kiisler
Jana Hanikova
Olga Galińska
Mairo Seire
Liisi Kuusk

To find out more about the work of the designers participating in the festival, see the website.

Estonian Fashion Festival was born in 2018 by combining into a joint format the Mood-Performance-Dance fashion show of the Pallas University of Applied Arts, the OmaMood fashion show of the University of Tartu Viljandi Culture Academy, and the Antonius fashion show of the Tartu Centre for Creative Industries.

This year’s festival takes place in the Estonian National Museum and Knorringu Aadlimaja. In addition to the three fashion shows in the main program, the festival includes the Greenery seminar for designers, a showroom for industry professional as well as exhibitions, workshops and a film program for a wider audience.

Estonian Fashion Festival is part of the main program of the European Capital of Culture Tartu 2024, which tells the story of the arts of survival. This year, the festival will be held for the seventh time.

Discounted festival passes and tickets can be purchased until April 1, 2024 in Fienta. Additional information:

Additional information:
Raul Oreshkin
Estonian Fashion Festival
Marketing Manager
5884 4909