Exhibition of stringed instruments by the furniture department of Pallas
International cooperation project “Kasvatatud / Grown” in gallery Pallas
The exhibition of students at Pallas Department of Painting. INTENTION TO STUDY
Color around and inside of us. Talia, Alexander ja Heiliri
3rd year students of Pallas UAS Department of Textile explore their personal stories through textile medium
Joint exhibition “Art as a liberating experience. Anna Maquet, Kristiine Eliise Kadakas, Mari Viiard, Rea Sepping ” in gallery Pallas
“DuVallon Art Rally Pallas Summer School. Robi Zuts ja Olari Pilnik ” in gallery Pallas
Flows into Being. Eighth Estonian Small-Scale Sculpture Exhibition and the Annual Exhibition of the Estonian Sculptors’ Union
Exhibition “About Fear” by the students of the Pallas’s department of sculpture in Potsdam, Germany