“Hola! Labas! Cześć!” – A group exhibition by three Erasmus+ Students from Pallas

Exhibition by Erasmus students in Pallas

“Hola! Labas! Cześć!” – A group exhibition by international Erasmus+ Students from Kõrgem Kunstikool Pallas.
Gallery Made in Aparaaditehas
09.01.2024 – 31.01.2024

A group exhibition by three international Erasmus+ Students from Kõrgem Kunstikool Pallas:

Justina Mikalauskaitė – Graphic Design student at Vilniaus Art Academy in Kaunas, Lithuania;

Sara Largo Garcia Ochoa – double degree in Fashion and Design student at Universidad Rey Juan Carlos in Madrid, Spain;

Yagna Antas – Textile and Interior Decoration at Strzeminski Academy of Fine Arts in Łódź, Poland
They all joined their skills in order to show you a unique points of view united by Tartu through out this autumn semester. Their heritage, their feelings and their new experience conjoined and visualised in this modest exhibition.

Opening on Tuesday, 9th of January at 19:00.

Gallery Made in Aparaaditehas