“DuVallon Art Rally Pallas Summer School. Robi Zuts ja Olari Pilnik ” in gallery Pallas

DuVallon Art Rally Pallas Summer School; foto Robi Zuts ja Olari Pilnik
DuVallon Art Rally Pallas Summer School
Gallery Pallas
Wednesday, September 22nd marks the opening of an exhibition of portrait photographs from the International Motorcyclists’ Summer School organized by Pallas University of Applied Sciences that were taken by young photographers Robi Zuts and Olari Pilnik. The exhibition will be presented in the attic of the gallery. Visitors will see 23 snapshots of people and their motorcycles.
What is beauty and where is beauty? Is there beauty or why? Is a motorcycle beautiful? Is a motorcyclist beautiful? Are the two of them beautiful together? Do the motorcycle and the motorcyclist, or the two of them together, have to be beautiful at all? This is how Vallo Kalamees, the assistant to the head of the Pallas photography department, who created the visual aesthetics for this exhibition, discussed the prints of the photos to motorcyclists. The motorcyclists clapped and said the pictures were beautiful.
The DuVallon Art Rally at Pallas Summer School last summer was indeed an insane project. Why should an art school organize an international summer school for motorcyclists? The difficult answer to this question is: “According to the Pallas Development Plan, 2021 is dedicated to the core value of” courage “, which, among other things, provides additional motivation to go beyond the usual trainings and events and broaden the understanding of interdisciplinarity.”
Motorcyclists Janne # 209 and Johanna # 375, portrayed by students of the Pallas Photography Department, tell about their story: „Rakastamme moottorripyöräilyä, emme unohda tätä matkaa. Toivomme, että tämä tunne välittyy kuvastamme. Meilta toille © Tarto säilyy sydämmissämme ainiaan.“
You can discover and decypher other Finnish, Lithuanian and Estonian stories at the exhibition. Or have they now become the stories of Tartu, which motorcyclists who have experienced a smoke and wind machine in the Pallas photo studio are spreading along European roads?
The organizing of the Pallas Summer School was supported by the City of Tartu and the Estonian Cultural Endowment.
Press photo: Pallas photo studio; photo by Vallo Kalamees
Additional information:
Vallo Nuust
Rector of Pallas University of Applied Sciences
Gallery Pallas
Riia 11, Tartu, Estonia
Tues-Sat 11-18
Cover photo: Photo studio in Pallas; photo by Vallo Kalamees