Developmental Toys. Pallas UAS Furniture Students Designed Toys for Preschool Children

February 14 – March 15, 2025

On Friday, February 14, at 5 PM, the exhibition “Developmental Toys” will open in the project room of Gallery Pallas. The exhibition showcases prototypes of games designed by furniture design and restauration students from Pallas, aimed at supporting the development of preschool children by focusing on specific skill-building activities.

As part of the first-year course ” Specialized Project I: User-Centered Design,” students gained an overview of the design process and its stages through the development of a single product. Throughout the semester, they conducted background research, learned to sketch and draft ideas, practiced prototyping, and worked with various machines. The course resulted in the creation of games and toys that foster children’s development, including uniquely designed building blocks, an assemblable birdhouse, and a puzzle game introducing the feeding habits of animals and birds.

The user-centered design project features works by Annabel Seen, Emmeliine Kalvik, Grete Sallo, Trine Ots, Evelin Lidmets, Pille-Riin Reigo, Marta Frolova, and Iris Viru.

The students were guided by Pallas furniture department lecturers Kristina Allik, Ingemar Maasikmäe, and Teet Papson.

Everyone is welcome to explore the games created by Pallas furniture design and restautation students at Gallery Pallas until March 15.

More information:
Kristina Allik
+372 55978945

Gallery Pallas
+372 734 9954
Tue-L 11-18, Riia 11, Tartu

Coverphoto: Developmental Toys for Preschool Children. Kristina Allik. 2024.