Finnish Textile Artist of the Year 2023 Laura Isoniemi gives lectures in Pallas

The well-known Finnish textile designer Laura Isoniemi teaches in Pallas’s department of textile from November 6th until November 9th. On Monday, starting at 10 a.m., Laura Isoniemi will give a lecture “Color in me” in the textile department’s printing room, to which everyone is welcome. The workshop for the registered students will begin after the opening lecture.

Laura Isoniemi is a Finnish freelance designer and lecturer who has been selected as Finnish Textile Artist of the Year 2023.
Laura Isoniemi has said that for her art is both a way of thinking and an opportunity to express her thoughts. Work as a freelance artist has included a wide variety of projects. As a teacher, Laura considers creative cooperation, teamwork and interdisciplinary cooperation to be important. Her preferred subjects are sustainable design, conceptual design and teaching creative techniques. Laura Isoniemi’s book “Patterned Mind. Creative Methods in Surface Design” has also been published on this topic.

Artist’s coat (Taiteilijan takki) 2023

According to Aet Ollisaar, head of the textile department at Pallas, the idea to invite Laura Isoniemi to teach at Pallas arose precisely in connection with the book “Patterned Mind”, which approaches the planning techniques and design process in a versatile and creative way: “Meeting Laura some time later at the summer meeting of the board of the Nordic Textile Art Association, I suggested that she introduce her book and teach a short course at Pallas. In addition, Laura Isoniemi was selected as textile artist of the year in Finland this year, which gives the course a real gold standard.” During the course, Laura Isoniemi introduces various freehand design methods and possibilities.

Brief description of the course: Creative sketching technics workshop will bring you to the heart of the creative mind- it offers you tools for both basic creative surface working with brushes, ink and building rhythms with them and it will also show you contemporary, inspiring, and easy ways to create surprising surfaces. The innovative mind of creating interesting things out of zero cost materials are included in this workshop. The flow experience is our target as well as the talent of producing piles of interesting sketches in a short time. Aim is to have a big archive of ideas and new talent of techniques in the end. The sense of being able to invent and create brilliant ideas with ordinary, moderate and creative tools in a very short time.

The course takes place as a professional elective subject of the department of textile with the support of the Erasmus program.

Author of the cover photo Tuovi Hippeläinen
